“Joshua’s dedication to quality, eagerness to explore creative challenges, and exemplary communication skills both inside and outside of the audio team made him an ideal creative partner on Forza Motorsport (2023).”
CHASE COMBS | Audio Director
Marathon (2025) - Bungie
(Original Music)
Here's a track that was originally inspired by my 5-year-old's first trip to the St. Louis City Museum. This wonderful children's museum is truly the epitome of exploration, and is a work of art from top to bottom. This whole piece came to me as I was crawling through tunnels, tubes, and slides trying to keep up with my son! It was the soundtrack of what I imagined was going through his mind as he explored this incredible museum. We had an absolute blast. If you haven't visited the St. Louis City Museum, you won't regret it!
(Original Music)
What a great time scoring this bombastic epic trailer! I imagined the broken plates with blue lights as the ”hero,” using big brass and strings to really make an impact at those moments. Enjoy!
(Original Music)
I wrote this Chiptune when I was reflecting back on the early days of Pokémon, when the trading cards were only the original 151 species, and everyone was trying to get their hands on that elusive Charizard card. The feeling of excitement every time I opened a new booster pack was unforgettable, and I aimed to capture that excitement in this song. Enjoy!
(MIDI Mockup)
I hope you enjoy this MIDI mockup of my absolute favorite Super Mario song! It was written by mastermind composer Mahito Yokota for Super Mario Galaxy back in 2007. It’ll definitely get stuck in your head!
(Original Music & Sound Design)
Here's my full rescore of this amazing trailer. Everything you hear is 100% original.
Fun fact: the source sounds for the baby pengwing peeps and ice worm roar is my 5yo son! He loves that he got to be a giant ice worm.
(MIDI Mockup)
Here's my MIDI mockup of an excerpt from Alan Silvestri's extraordinary soundtrack for the Tom Hanks movie "Cast Away" (2000).
Something especially notable about this movie is that there's absolutely no music soundtrack while Chuck is on the island, heightening the feeling of isolation. It's only when Chuck leaves the island that the music finally plays, symbolizing hope and motivation. What a phenomenal movie.
(Official Music and Sound Design)
I'm thrilled to share with you part of my journey as a Sound Designer at Turn 10 Studios for Forza Motorsport (2023). I was given the honor of handling 100% of the music and sound design for the entire cinematic.
To make this original composition, I chopped up samples from the entire soundtrack of Forza Motorsport into tiny micro-pieces, and proceeded to pitch shift, time stretch, process, and otherwise completely mutilate all of the samples, creating an entirely new and unique piece of music.
(Original Music)
This track was the result of an experiment where I did a theory analysis of several Super Mario songs to figure out what makes it sound so quintessentially "Mario." I then used my new blueprint to attempt to replicate the vibe. Hope you enjoy it!